Choose a Child to Sponsor

An orphan’s heart can be touched by people like you. Your contribution will enable once abused, abandoned or orphaned child have a meal, shelter, clothing, health care and education needed to break the cycle of poverty. You can also reach a child by extending love, care and comfort that comes through the blood of Jesus, and enable the child to have hope for a better tomorrow and eternal life thereafter. As a sponsor, you are helping to rescue a child, raise a leader and rebuild a nation. And, you have the opportunity to develop a relationship with your sponsored child and the blessings associated with that.

NAMES: Dhale Reagan

DATE OF BIRTH: 10/11/2001

SEX: Male

INTEREST: Playing football, music, dance and drama

CHARACTER: Friendly, selfless, caring and very kind.

He is 12 years old, an orphan, currently under the care of African friends service communities (AFSCO).At the age of 9 years (2009), his step mother poured hot water on him. After the death of his loved parent (mother) in 2008, he was now left at the mercies of his father and step mother. Unfortunately, his father left for the war immediately after the death of his dear wife and since then, we have not heard anything from him. And therefore, Reagan was left under the care of his brute and tortured him. Against that background, that is what contributed to his current life. Therefore, Reagan is looking for sponsor who can pay his school fees every year and pay medical bills every month.



NAMES:Mugote Praise

D.O.B: 21/02/2009


INTEREST:Playing with friends.

Her father died when she was 3 months.Her mother is living in the city of jinja but she can't help her because she is not emplyoyed and she is affected with HIV/AIDS.Praise is staying with her ground mother.Her groundmother is growing some food to sell and support her with education but now she is growing very old and she will not be able to continue supporting this young girl as she can no longer work in the garden for long hours.She will be happy if you become or get her asponser so that she can continue with her education.


NAME:Kawuma Fatumah



INTEREST:loves eating and drinking.

Kawuma has known the tender care of her groundmother from as far as she can remember.She stepped right in assuming the responsibility of raising her when it become aparent that no one else was capable after his father neglected her and the mother got pregant when she was still in school.The groundmother is able to sell vegetables at a small kiosk when her health permits but the income is quite not good to support the family of 10.Despite frequent attacks of malaria,kawuma is an active girl surrounded with many friends who love to play games.She is conscious of her environment and spends time picking up trash around their house.She is believed to be conscious too if she get support to go to school.Her groundmother will be very grateful if you get her or sponsor her to enable her to go to school,get good food,medical care when needed amonger others.

NAME: Babi Musa



INTEREST:soccer and dancing.

Musa was abandoned by his father at the age of 2years.No one knows his mother is.His father was an alcoholic and left him in the care of his grandmother who is also unemployed.She had no money to support musa and gave him a sympathizer who was trying to support several other children.But since she got unemployed also she had to return him back to his grandmother.musa and grandmother will be happy if you become or get him a sponsor such that he can continue with his studication and meeting the other needs.





INTEREST:Singing and dancing.

After losing both of her parents,fahad was taken on by a generous woman who is trying to raise some other five children in her small home.she provides for them by attending to other people can usually find fahad munching on sugar cane with happy smile on his face.he helps at home with sweeping the compound and washing dishes.fahad will be happy if you become or get him asponsor to enable him go to school,get medical care when needed and other basic necessities.



NAMES Mutasa Shafiki

D.O.B; 12/05/2001

SEX; Male

INTEREST; Playing with toys.

This Young boy stays with his Grandmother and four siblings. His mother is experiencing very poor health as she suffers from opportunistic diseases and she cannot contribute to the upkeep of her family. The Grandmother earns a very meager living, selling food at Lake Shore Primary School.  Mutasa has been able to attend that school, but as he gets older and enters secondary school, the fees increase. He helps at home by sweeping the house; AFSCO has always raised money outside of sponsorship that provides medical care for  Mutasa’s mother. Currently AFSCO has decided to look for mutasa a sponsor such that he can keep in school, get clothes and other basic necessities.



D.O.B; 8th /03/2008

SEX; Male

INTEREST; Playing soccer

Faizo has been improving in his studies at butiki primary  with the steady support of  AFSCO.  He now needs your help!  He lives with his ailing mother who works very hard when her health permits to supply the necessities for her family of five. Faizo helps around the house as much as possible by digging the cassava roots which his mother sells in the market.  His desire is to get an education so that he can help the whole family.  He has become a good reader but his mother struggles but she can no longer look after the whole family. She will be happy if you become a sponsor for faizo to enable him continue with his education, medical care, nutritional support so that when he grows up he can be in position to help the family Playing soccer with friends is a favorite pastime.


 NAMES Isiko Jowadi

D.O.B; 03/08/2006 

SEX; Male

INTEREST; Playing with toys

Isiko’s father is a total drunkard that he always beat their mother whenever he comes back yet the mother always go and dig for people to raise some money to help the family. Because of this situation, isiko is not going to school though he is of school going age because the mum can’t raise money to keep him in School. The mother will be happy if you sponsor isiko such that he can be a useful person by meeting his educational, medical, nutritional and other basic support.


NAMES Nabirye Teddie

 D.O.B; 07/01/2009

 SEX; female

C LASS Not schooling

SCHOOL *****

INTEREST; Playing with toys

Nabirye’s father is a total drunkard that he always beat their mother whenever he comes back yet the mother always go and dig for people to raise some money to help the family. Because of this situation, Nabirye is not going to school though she is of school going age because the mum can’t raise money to keep him in School. The mother will be happy if you sponsor Nabirye such that she can be a useful person by meeting his educational, medical, nutritional and other basic support.


NAMES Nambi masitula

D.O.B; 15th /1996

SEX; female

INTEREST; playing net ball, likes food and reading books.

Nambi was a very young girl when she lost his father to AIDS. she was left under care of her mother who is jobless and unable to support her.  Nambi is currently under care of AFSCO.  She loves playing , reading math and science.

 Nambi is happy that she has now got a sponsor who is now helping her get food, clothes, proper education and medical help when needed.


NAMES Isabirye doctor

D.O.B; 12th /04/2006

SEX; male

INTEREST; Playing foot ball.

The father of doctor is crippled and separated with the mother. he is now staying with the mother who is single, absolutely poor rendering the family to be vulnerable. The mother washes clothes for people to earn a living and support doctor. She will be happy if you become a sponsor of him daughter such that he can have a better future too.


NAMES Jawuka Kawala

D.O.B; 6th /08/2008

SEX; Female.

INTEREST; Netball, sharing, reading and listening to music

Kawala is a total orphan. Her parents died when she was 2 years old and is currently staying with her aunt who also has a lot of children to look after yet her income is very low. It is always very hard for Kawala to be at school in time because the school fees are not always enough for them. She will be happy if you become or get her a sponsor such that she can continue with school.


NAMES Babi Zayid

D.O.B; 7th /01/2010

SEX; Male

INTEREST; eating, praying with dolls

Babi lost his father but the mother is still alive. His mother is a peasant and always finds it difficult in getting him school fees and the other necessities like house rent since they don’t own a house.

She will happy if you become a sponsor or get babi a sponsor to help him have a brighter future.




Kato is a twine with babirye but they lost the monther when she was giving birth.Their father is apeasant and always finds it difficult in getting school schoiols.

He will be happy if you become a sponsor or get asponser to help him have a brighter future.


NAME Babirye


Babirye is a twine with kato but she has the same story like her brother kato.


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